Control the Cost of Divorce / Child Custody Issues
How much does it cost to get divorced? How expensive is a child custody battle? These key questions arise everyday in minds of many people. Certainly any legal case costs more than most people initially thought. Attorneys charge for their time, often as much as $300 per hour. Also the paralegal’s time is billed per hour. Add to that court costs, court reporters, mediation fees and more. The cost adds up for any divorce or family law matter. But, you can control the cost of divorce and child custody litigation.
Reduce Costs of Divorce
Of course divorcing does not have to cost you a fortune. It really depends on you and your adversary. The more contention the more the costs. With so much on the line, divorce and child custody litigation including a trial can be very expensive. So it’s clear, settlement of a divorce before trial costs much less. Often thousands of dollars less. Focusing on priorities and putting aside petty issues reduce the costs of divorce significantly. Let your lawyer help you filter through the issues and prioritize them.
Setting Priorities Lowers Divorce Costs
Setting priorities, letting go of insignificant issues, and focusing on the possibility of reaching a settlement saves money. This is true of any litigation. Remember the legal fees are billed hourly. The more time the more expensive it becomes. But, you can control the costs. First, before you call your attorney for every little annoying thing that happens, consider the importance versus cost. Always communicate, but be wise. Before you dig your heels in over a pot holder or one day with the child, consider the cost. Remember a I will win at all costs attitude may amount to more than you can or want to pay.
Listen to Legal Advice
IAbove all listen to your lawyer. When your family law attorney advises you to settle your case, listen carefully. Part of you wants to fight, and you may want to discredit the advice. Ask this question to yourself “what motivates my lawyer to settle this case?” Also, remember how legal billing works, more time more money. The advice to settle focuses on your best interest. Financially, you, not the attorney, benefits from resolving the case. Even prior to settlement, planning case strategies involve a question of budget.
Budgeting Divorce / Child Custody
The best way to control divorce costs is budget, budget, budget. When you first retain your attorney discuss the costs, and your ability to pay. It’s hard in that moment to remember the sky is not the limit, it’s your financial situation and your ability to live after the divorce. Even if you have family or friends willing to help that may also be limited. Each important issue that arises during the process, consider the cost. An extreme example: You just have to have the pot holder your mother gave you. It’s important, sentimental. Can you really put a price on it? You may need to. Weigh the principal of it or the sentimental value against the real costs of litigation. Then decide.
Divorce Strategies And Budget
Always ask and listen regarding the costs and the necessity of taking a certain course of action in a case. Even though your divorce attorney keeps cost in mind, certain issues must be dealt with in your case. The process of divorce or a child custody case requires certain procedures. This varies from case to case. Saving money is important. But, your budget must allow for the neccessaries. Discuss strategy and budget with your family law attorney ahead of time.
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