Attorneys and Unrealistic Expectations

Attorneys Don’t have a Magic Wand

From Perry Mason to Ben Matlock to your favorite LA Law legal beagle, television legal dramas are entertaining. The television lawyers are heroes sometimes super heroes.  But is it reality? Should we expect a real life attorney to have some magic wand and get everything done that we want, or think we deserve? Of course not.

Unrealistic Unreasonable Expectations

Realistic Expectations AttorneyUnfortunately people often have unrealistic even unreasonable expectations of their lawyer. In the real world a lawyer, even the best  of the best, is bound by ethical guidelines and the facts of the case. A criminal Defendant who is guilty and can be proven guilty ought not expect to walk away completely free.  A parent who fails to perform properly ought not expect a miraculous result in court. But, often times a person  gets a less favorable result and instead of taking responsibility will blame the Lawyer for not waving the magic wand.

Lawyer: Just the facts

Yes, an experienced attorney will present the facts in the most favorable light.  But, sometimes a sals ear can not be made to look like a silk purse! Now comes the Lawyer as counselor at law.  An experienced attorney will counsel a client and attempt to get the client to improve his/her circumstances.  Rehabilitation of a client does require the client to heed the sound advice of the Lawyer. When the client cooperates, the results can be better than expected. But, a person who fails to follow advice, often reaps the bad results. Also, if a client is not entitled to what he/she wants then expecting to get it, is unreasonable.

Follow sound legal advice

Remember when you retain an attorney to represent you, you have a job as well. The attorney presents your case, your facts, and the law.  You are responsible for the facts. If the facts are not very favorable don’t look for the Lawyer to change them.  Follow sound legal advice. Be willing to accept the results. And most importantly be realistic in your expectations. There is no magic wand.