Adopt a Child in Tennessee
If you are asking this question you are probably considering the possibility of adoption. There are a variety of situations where a person might adopt a child. Perhaps you are raising your grandchild, and think its time to adopt. Or maybe you have a step-child and the other natural parent is not involved with the child. Or maybe you are looking to adopt a new-born baby. Whatever the situation, adoption can be very complicated, and emotionally intense. The caring professionals of Purple Law Firm can help.
The process of adoption requires several steps:
1. You have to file a petition to terminate the parental rights of any living natural parent
The termination of parental rights is extremely serious and permanent, therefore there are certain legal grounds for termination which must be proven to the court by you.
2. You have to file a petition to adopt the child in question. Again this is a very serious request to make of the court, therefore you must show the court that you are ready, willing, and able to adopt the child in question, and that it is in the child’s best interest to be adopted by you.
Please contact an experienced family law attorney to discuss the process of adoption as it relates to your situation.
Look for more information on the general process of adoption in this blog. Or go to our page: Chattanooga Adoption Attorneys of Purple Law Firm
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