Tennessee Child Custody Lawyer

Tennessee Child Custody Dispute 

When two or more people disagree about what is best for a child, a child custody dispute arises. So you need a Tennessee child custody lawyer. Most child custody issues involve only the two parents, mother and father.  However, many child custody disputes arise between parents, grandparents, other relatives, or even the State of Tennessee.

The most basic, but also the most important legal factor regarding children surrounds the constitutional rights of the parents. Both parents possess a constitutionally protected right to raise his/her child without interference. However, this right is not absolute. It must be balanced and weighed against the child’s best interest and other factors. Even when a child custody dispute only involves the parents each parent’s rights must be weighed and balanced against each other.  Tennessee courts must ensure that each parent has appropriate access and involvement with their child. Above all the child possesses a right to his/her parents. 

Child Custody- Abuse, Neglect other Parenting Problems? 

Certainly at times a parent, even perhaps both parents, present a danger or potential danger to the child. These cases involve very complicated legal issues. Drug or alcohol abuse, physical or sexual child abuse, improper living conditions, neglect, lack of parental responsibility, and many other problems arise which need serious legal intervention. The courts must protect the child but also ensure constitutional rights to the parents. Many potential solutions exist, including restricted and supervised visitation, counseling, treatment, and more. 

A Family Law Attorney In Child Custody Cases 

Child custody cases involve complex legal issues. A family law attorney understands the legal issues, and helps to bring about legal and practical solutions. Like many legal matters, child custody disputes center around the specific facts. Your family situation, although unique to you,  is not completely unusual.  But, there is not a one-size fits all solution.  Seek the advice and representation of a family law child custody attorney. Attorney Jim Purple and our Chattanooga legal team will help you.

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